Hooker Mountain - Monday, May 19, 2008

MORNIN', this is Charlie up on Hooker Mountain. Rover-Boy says, Mornin' too!

I've been watchin' the television this mornin' and it ain't much to watch, I'll tell you!

First of all, there is nothin' on any more that I can speak about, when all that is bein' said is we are comin' into a new election.

I don't see anything but this every mornin' so, I guess I need to be talkin' about this, or I might as well go get my hoe and begin choppin' up Mother's garden, like she asked. And since I'm not into choppin' in the garden. . .let's talk election stuff.

I been watchin' the election trials, and seems to me, that there is too much talkin' about what should be happin' and not much about what IS happenin'.

Seems to me that Hilary and Obama are just talkin' about fightin', not about the country. It's the country that I want to hear about and what they are goin' to do about it. I see them sayin' things, to one another, that school kids around here, would say and be gettin' a taste of soap!

Kids' elders, around here, use a taste of soap, here and there, when kids get out of hand with their mouths. Doesn't have to be dirty words, can be about unkindness too.

Funny thing, our kids are kinda funny. They take and they give. They are wonderful and little "devils" too. But God, how I love'em.

My best friend Hal, has a couple of kids. . . Dori and Fred. They are cute little tikes. Fred can have a mean mouth on him sometimes. And, Dori, is such a sweet little thing. All blue eyes and dimples.

One day Fred told Dori that she had to do somethin' she didn't want to do. Dori stuck her tongue out and said something really nasty to Fred.

My friend Hal was just comin' through the door, when Dori said "the nasty". "Go get the soap, time to clean out your mouth. Those words probably left dirt in there." Dori began to hop up 'n down and cry, hollerin' her head off. Fred feelin' sorry for her said, "Dori, I'll chew the soap, I'm used to it".

My friend Hal was surprised. Dori and Fred had been fightin' real hard. But, not one to interfere with negotiations, Hal told Fred OK, "Go get the soap". So, Fred marched toward the bathroom to get the soap, and Dori put on an even bigger crying' fit. . .noisin' the whole house up!

"What's wrong with you now?" my friend Hal ask, puzzled by her cryin'. "I want to taste the soap. Fred gets all the soap, all the time! I want my share!" I never had any at all!!! Never!!

Obama and Hilary are just the same seems to me. Doesn't matter what it is, they just look at "did I get my share!"

Seems to me that we need someone who looks to the issues, not just to "Did I get my share!"
I would like to see them separated, somehow. Maybe if they lived a long way from one another, we could really see who they are.

Think about it. What if they were never allowed to be on the same television show?....what if they had to stand up and talk all alone?

Think maybe they would have to say somethin' worth listenin' to and thinkin' about, instead of fightin' over the soap?!

I'm just thinkin' on it. What about you? Maybe if we refuse to listen when they are both on the television, all at one time, we could really see who is the best presidential material. Just a thought! How about you?

THIS IS CHARLIE, up on Hooker Mountain.

An Editorial
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Anonymous said...

Well Charlie - good thoughts. Look now at how Obama is talking about the facts... he's starting to rise above the negativity and sound like a leader again. Hilary only did what she does best - fight like a bulldog. The adult in Obama is coming to life again. Ever listen to Obama and think of Lincoln?

Anonymous said...

Hey there anonymous, I have been noticin' these things too.

Could be that you and I are always goin' to be lookin' at what is really happen around these politicians.

Keep up the good stuff. . .we need aware voters. I been thinkin' about JFK, and Obama, But some say that JFK looked like Lincoln! Maybe there is a link all together.
