Hooker Mountain - Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hey there! This is Charlie. Hope you're havin' a Great Day!

Today I want to talk about knowin' what is comin' down the pike with those politicians in the White House.

Up front, I have thought about this for a day or two, and I see 'em jumpin' around like flies on a hot griddle.

Now, I don't know about your kitchen, but my wife Hedda, is not happy with flies in her kitchen. In fact, one fly in her kitchen equals a lot of hollerin' and noise as she grabs her fryin' pan and begins to go after the interloper.

Rover-boy an' me, stays out of the kitchen when she begins cleanin' up the problem. Last time this happen'd, Rover-boy took off over the hill to the neighbor's house, an' I thought I had lost my dog! He came slinkin' back two days later with a guilty look on his face for high-tailin' out of here and leavin' me behind.

I just sat on the front porch and waited for the noise and yellin' in the kitchen to stop. Took awhile, but Hedda got it all in order and began our supper whilst she grumbled somethin' about "dog gone flies. ..nasty critters settin' on her sink!"
I take a look at my Hedda's temper, and sometimes I would like to send her and her fryin' pan to D.C. I think someone with a big voice and an attitude would be some help there.

I am tired of all of the slinkin' around, with tiny voices mutterin'. Like the other day, I was watchin' television on the front porch, and one of them politicians was standin' on the screen sayin' they was going to look at that "Iraquie war some, and decide what to do with it".

I couldn't figure out what he was sayin'. Was he goin' to take a trip there, watch it on television like me, or take pictures and frame 'em? I sat there, thinkin' what he meant and decided that he was tryin' to tell me I had to figure out what he was really sayin'. And while I was doin' that, he could sneak off the screen and leave it to me to figure it out while he took a break and headed for the Whitehouse and cocktail hour.

I never did see him return to explain what he meant, and I'm still wonderin'! Maybe he just wanted to keep me entertained, usin' my mind for something other than thinkin' about coon huntin' up on the hill above my house.

I never did figure it out! So, I made up my own mind and I figure it goes like this: He and Washington don't know what to do and the more they can make it difficult to understand, the more time they have to try to figure out what they are goin' to do. With the money running out, changes in Congress comin' 'round the bend, and general chaos all over the country, it is time to skeedaddle! An' the best way to do that is to seem to be happy, content and in charge, whilst we keep lookin' for something sensible to happen.

I have it figured out there ain't no sense to all of the stuff hangin'around the Whitehouse.

They're all headin' for the basement to play cards and wait for the checks to stop comin'! If'n all them at the Whitehouse can just hang on for a little while longer, they can rush out the back door with all the "spoils", and head for them hills.

Livin' in the hills is not a bad life. I like it a lot! So, I think the plan is just to hang, pretendin' to be on top of everythin' until they can draw the last check.

It is somethin' like playing survival games when we were kids with cowboy outfits and six shooters. We had a rule. No one said anything about rustlin' cattle as long as no one could see us doin' it. But if we saw any cows runnin' across our pastures, we got to hang or shoot'em. Them rustlers, that is. We were mostly not lethal with our six shooters, they were never loaded. Kids' six shooters don't have bullets, only mouth noises, yellin' "bang bang".

I figure those fella's in the Whitehouse now are doin' the same thing.They are waitin' for the rustlers to bring them the pay for the cattle they sent to market, then they will all run to the hills!!

Just don't want to see them on my side of the hill! Run somewhere else.I got my prayers in to the "Big Man" to keep them away from my hill. Don't need any of them near my cattle!

THIS IS CHARLIE, up on Hooker Mountain, lookin' out for rustlers headin' this way!

An Editorial.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Charlie, this is Sam. I like what you have to say. I have been wondering what the "Boys" have been doing at the "House". Now I know where there is a good poker game! Bet you and I could really make them hide their dollars! Want to play a round or two with them with me?

Thanks for keeping me up on what is going on in places that are secretive. And, I will watch my mountain for rustlers too!