Hooker Mountain - Saturday, June 28, 2008

Hey, everyone!

This is Charlie up on Hooker Mountain.

I am here, with Rover-Boy, watchin' the news. And if you hear howlin', don't run scared. Rover-Boy is in one of his moods.

He thinks the world is comin' to an end. He likes to think we are safe up on my mountain. But, lately he has his doubts 'bout this.

How do I know this, he is just a Dog? Well it is easy. Just watch his tail action. When all is fine, he wags his tail so fast that I can use it for a fan on a hot day. But, when he hears somethin' he doesn't like, he whines to the top of his voice, an' hides his tail!

Like now, he just heard that television man sayin' there is goin' to be another war.

The next thing you know, there was the sound of guns an' shoutin'. That television man was runnin' a movie of men in the streets, guns blastin' away, and loud screams!

I took a look an' couldn't believe my eyes. There were people lyin' all over the street moanin'. Rover-Boy, heard the noise, took one look at the screen, tucked his tail between his legs, and rolled over on his back, on the porch with all four legs in the air! I thought he'd been shot! Swear to God, I thought someone was in our woods with a shot gun, Rover-Boy went down so fast.

I tried and tried to get Rover-Boy to stand up so I could see where he was shot. No goin'! I even tried to pick him up. No way! I didn't see no blood so I stopped worryin'.

That television man is still talkin' about war, an' Rover-Boy is still lyin' on the porch with all four feet in the air, growlin', and whinin' to the top of his voice. I can't hear a thing! I'm goin' in the house now an' leavin' this gall-darn-dog on my porch!

Good night all, Charlie

I'm still on my back. Best way to be when there are gun shots. Charlie thinks I can't hear him talking to me, I am so scared. Charlie talks and talks. He never listens to me! This is Rover-Boy and I have a lot to say.

First of all, I know that when I see something on the tube, it isn't long before there is more of the same thing, night, after night, after night. So, the guns and explosions are going to be more. I just know it! I'm not going to sleep at all, tonight, worrying about this. So, what does an insomniac dog to do when the sun goes down and he can't sleep. . .go hunting of course!

I have learned that when the television man begins to talk of anything, "newsworthy", the next thing you know, we are having it in our back yard! It happens all the time. It is like announcing to everyone, "Hey, get prepared for a new war", or, "Hey, your money's shrinking, you have to look for an extra job right now!" And sure enough, for the next week or two, the television man is out there interviewing everybody asking them where they found a second job!

Why do I roll over on the porch, stick my feet up in the air, and whine, and make a scene?

Well I have it figured out. When I hear the television man talking about the next "horrible incident", I know it's just around the corner.

So, tonight I was practicing playing dead, or in being in a lot of pain.

I have it figured out, if I am dying or bad hurt, those soldiers will march right on by!. . .I'm practicing, just in case. I try to tell Charlie, learning to act is a good thing.

Charlie won't listen to me, but if I practice enough maybe he will get it! So, I will just keep hollering maybe it will do some good, and Charlie will get it. I hope some day soon, someone will stop that television man from starting rumors. I am beginning to think he does this just to keep his job!

I will meet you out in the woods tonight when the sun goes down. There are a lot of good smells to chase. I learned this from what the television man does. Only, I don't bite anything and start a war in the woods. I just run, and smell, and have fun!

This is Rover-Boy, signing off!

See you in the woods.

An Editorial

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