Hooker Mountain - Thursday, August 21, 2008 (http://www.HookerMountain.blogspot.com/)

Did you see them Olympics? Rover-Boy and I did, and my Missus too. There was so much jumpin', runnin' and swimmin' I got dizzy!

I can't figure out why those who are runnin' the whole shebang are so uptight. They are always tryin' to look good and I see that those kids and such, come lookin' for a good time with one another and to do their best! I want to tell the adults, "Leave them kids alone! Let them play!" I don't think anyone is listen'n to me, but I got my word in just the same. My Missus told me to stop shoutin', if I didn't stop the yellin' the neighbors would think she was beatin' me up.

My Missus is so full of love she would never do any beatin' on me, or Rover-Boy, but the nosy neighbors don't know that. They just moved into the house down the hill from me two weeks ago. I like them well enough, but they don't seem friendly like, so I don't want rumors, in town, about me and my Missus.

Anyway, about them Olympic games, I think those kids need to be left alone to do their thing. I can't see why all of those countries are so uptight about what the kids are doin'. Seems to me that the countries need to stand aside and let the kids work it out together.

Do you think that there could be fun in those games, with someone with a Presidential Crest hangin' on his chest, leanin' over the rail yellin', "Go man go, kill 'em! Run!" Or, how about a face, lined with determination that, "My country will win no matter what and you had better run for your life, buddy!"

I love the sports and the kids tryin' their hearts out. I really do. But when I see these faces of government, lurkin' around the place, I get really mad. I want to see all of us be able to enjoy the efforts of our young'ns. I want to sit with my Missus and my dog, on my front porch in front of my tellie-vision, and hoop and holler to the top of my voice because we are all havin' such fun.

I think I will go down to the new neighbor's house and ask them to come up and join us on our porch. Maybe I will even make some popcorn and pass it around. I like to be a good neighbor, might as well start out with my new neighbor. And who knows, maybe those kids at the Olympics will start something new.

I saw a Chinese boy who won a Gold Medal, hug one of our boys who had won a Silver Medal. Now, boys huggin' in the past would have been looked at funny like. But, not now in these times. Those boys were huggin', and laughin', and congratulatin' one another! Then there were a lot of those athletes bunched up huggin' and poundin' one another's backs and all of them laughin'. Didn't seem to be any differences in any of them. They were just one big group of happiness. Those suspicious faces starin' at them just didn't seem to matter at all!

Maybe our kids are the wise ones and they make our tomorrows. I am so glad they are young and those with the lined faces, lurkin' behind the scenes, are old!

"Come on kids. . .keep it up!"

This is Ole' Charlie, up on Hooker Mountain!

An Editorial

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For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com.

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