1 New Article, April 23, 2009

Hey there, this is Charlie up on Hooker Mountain.

I've been on a littl' vacation. It does good for the soul. An' my soul needed some rehabilitation after that election turn out. That was some spectacle, yes siree!

Have you ever seen such a hulabaloo? I almost couldn't believe my eyes at the vote turnout. All them voters, with shiny faces and big smiles, fairly made my heart sing. And if you think I'm goin' to ever forget that day, well it just ain't so.

Take a good look at what we have done since that hair-raisin' event.

There has been a lot of jargon' and talkin' in them first 100 days at the Whitehouse. But the most important thing I see is that we are "talkin'."

There was times in the past few years when it was so quiet out here where we are, that I thought you guys, an' me, had gone fishin' for about a hundred years. I cain't blame you, but now we are back on tract 'n every body is talkin' at the same time, let's keep it up!

I like the sound of words flyin' around my head. Especially, when it is because we care enough, and feel safe enough, to share our minds and speak up! I like it when you and I can talk about anythin' we want to an' don't have to worry about some "skin-head politician" splitin' our heads with a bat because he doesn't like the color of our eyes!

Halleluja! We are back on track, pushin' and a cursin' when we don't like somethin' very much. This is the America I Love and know.

If'in we keep talkin', just maybe we can get somewhere now. All of us need to stay awake and yell like all-bloody-hell if'n we see somethin' we don't like!

It is like yesterday. I met up with my friend Mike, downtown. He was a limp'n around on his foot and carryin' a cane. He said he had run into a rattler, up on the mountain, and stepped on it. That rattler was sittin' there, "clear as the day," after he took a big bite out of Mike.

I ask'd him what did he do?

He said he was hikin' alone, nothin' to do but to yell like "all-bloody-hell" for someone to help him out a little.

Soon there was a litt'le old man come runnin' up the hill, panten', his chest pumpin' so hard Mike could see it through his over-alls. He came to see what was goin' on in the bush. My friend yelled, "don't just stand there, do somethin'!

The litt'le old man looked at my friend, who is a big straplin' fellow, and said, "snake bite or not, you are goin' to have to carry me back down that hill. I got a heart condition!"

My friend says that if the man hadn't made him quit feelin' sorry for hisself, he might have died from the snake bite up on that mount'in. Ticked my friend off so much, since the rescuer became the emergency! And if'n either of them was goin' to get themselves down the mountain alive, my friend Mike was it.

Well Mike picks up the litt'e old man and heads down the mountain. The man whimpered and groaned like he was a dead man goin' to his grave.

As soon as Mike got to the bottom of the hill, the man slid to his feet, dusted off his britches, and walked away. Mike just shook his head in dismay! He couldn't believe that he had become a pack horse, an' him the injured one.

Mike didn't like this turn of events at all, and he started swarin' and hoppin' up and down, for the fool he was!

I grinned and said, "looks like you got what you wanted, 'Down the hill
and alive'!"

"Yup," he said, "I did, but I'll tell ya this, next time I am goin' to carry the snake down the hill, not the old man. A lot easier on me and I will still live! If I hang on to the snake tight like, he can only bite me once! The old man just kept on bittin' me with that rasty old tongue of his, and his yellin' like a banshee!"

The moral of this story is: "that if you want to be bittin', just keep complainin! And, stand in one place."

I got it that that is what happened to us the last eight years. We did too much complainin' and not enough "movin''. Hard to see the good things we can do when we are the "beast of burden"!

This is Charlie speakin'. I think we are all tired of being the "beast of burden" and want to be ready to stand up to "little ol' men" who make us the beasts of burden! And it is good for us to remember not to support "litt'le old men who want to be carried!"

We is standin' up now! All we have to do is stay away from snakes!

This is Charlie, up on Hooker Mountain!

Hooker Mountain, published on:
http://www.HookerMountain.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2009. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION, must
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For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com

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