1 New Article - May 28, 2009


Hello, this is Charlie, up on Hooker Mountain!

Did ya see the halabaloo about the new Court Justice? I been watchin' all about President Obama and his choice for this nomination.

A woman for the place. Seems to me we need more women sittin' there makin' noise about justice. Just take a look. Ever woman who runs a household and family is probably more capable than any man to sit on that bench!

Take a look! Any one day she has to make justice in her home. What with the kids, the husband, the milkman, the mailman. . .always something to take care of and she does it!

Sittin' on a bench, poundin' a gavel and makin' judicial decisions is a lot easier than lookin' for justice among a bunch of kids!

I'll tell you this. My Hedda is no shrinkin' violet when it comes to family fights among the kids in the family. Not even now, when they are all grown and with kids of their own. She is always in the middle of family differences, and you never see them goin' to war. We have a peaceful family and all of the kids and grandkids feel the justice and Love from her "tongue-lashin'" justice.

Now don't get me wrong. These kids don't always take her justice well. They cark and groan. But, they accepted a long time ago that she is very wise, and they listen. I don't think it is because she is their mom but they know she takes all things into account and she comes up with a vision of what is really happenin' and makes it clear what kind of justice is demanded.

I have never seen my kids and grandkids "take a swipe at her" sayin' she is not fair.

I think that we can all stand in the truth here. WE NEED A WOMAN LIKE MY HEDDA TO SIT IN THE SEAT OF NATIONAL JUSTICE. We need someone who is wise in family, with children, with adults, and YUP!, with dogs and cats!

Why critters? They just know things. Things we can't understand. And a woman understands them like they do kids and adults and what is really happenin' inside. I guess you call it intuition! Yup! They have this little thing inside that just knows, and why they know, I can't tell you, but I am amazed how my Hedda "knows things"! And by golly, she is always right! She will say, "You know what Charlie? I got a feelin'". An, when she says this, I shut up and listen. There is just somthin' inside of her that knows stuff.

I see our women as havin' somethin' special and I want this sittin' behind a gavil, on the bench in our Supreme Court. There are just too many of us "old buggers" that are tired and worn out. We don't have that "special somthin'" like our women that just knows with their heart.

Not that I think we should look at us men as not capable. But when there aren't enough women around we can get "old and stuck"! Give us a woman in the mix and not only do we pay better attention, but they keep us sharp! We just have to prove to them we understand too, and we move! We can't let them out run us. . .our pride is in the way! For after all, the Good Lord has made us the protectors of our families and to give this up for "old age", is just not smart. We got to keep up!

Give me some women on that bench, I say! Give us some honest "woman's intuition and specialness", Yess siree! And I'll bet you something right now! There's not going to be anything comin' out of that court that we will not be able to understand when it's done. Women who can communicate with children and avoidin' World War II, in the household, can certainly explain to us in the street, as well as her fellow judges, what is really happenin'!

This is what I think! GIVE US SOME WOMEN ON THAT COURT. Yes siree!

My Hedda just stuck her head around the corner from the kitchen and said to me, "Don't forget Charlie, to tell everyone to keep on prayin'. She is a big one on prayin". She also said to tell you that she knows that you all are headin' up the thought that we are goin' to win this here situation about the economy!She says she is a prayin' and she knows, intuition, that ever' thing is goin' to be all right!

JUST KEEP ON PRAYIN'! Hedda says. This is Ole' Charlie up on Hooker Mountain
An Editorial

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