1 New Article - July 5, 2009


Hey there, this is Charlie up on Hooker Mountain!

What have ya' all been doin'?

Me and my wife Hedda been hangin' out on the mountain, watchin' the year go by.

My misses thinks I ought to be happy that the election is over. An' President Obama is takin' charge by runnin' all over the world an' tellin' ever one that we are "good guys over here."

I done told Hedda that us sayin' we are the "good guys" isn't goin' to convince any body when we is still takin' bombs and guns to war. Seems to me, when we bring all our boys home an' begin producin' food instead of bullets, the world is goin' to believe us is good guys!

I think about the times we been to war, and my heart sinks. I think if I told you how many wars I have lived through, your heart would sink clear to your socks!

Ain't tellin' you how old I am. But, I got to tell you that "I remember more wars from my age, than most people have years." Especially, if'n you're less than 30 years old this year.

My Uncle used to say that, "if'n we'd pay more attention to 'bein' on time, than bein' right,' " we'd have a lot less of them wars. At this time in my life, I begin to agree with'em.

Time was wars came and went with a truthful thought about why we'd go to war. Our government would discuss it all, an' the radio would report it to us. Now wars just kinda sneek up on us! One here and another there.
I can't even remember their names any more. Not one, or two, or three wars, but somethin' new in the news all of the time.

My Hedda says that she is never goin' to have any little ones again to send to war. Just too many wars and not enough kids. So she's on strike! Hedda believes that women need to stand up and say, "No more cannon fodder from my household!" She ain't give'em politicians no more soldiers to send to some God-forsaken place.

Can't even count on havin' family 'round the Christmas tree any more! Someone in the family's always trampin' around in the sand, playin' tough an' duckin' bullets.

Bring my boys home! Let 'em have some rest. Keep the families together. Some of my youngin's haven't seen their dads for over a year. Now, what kind of citizen are my youngin's goin' to be like without their dads at home to help them grow up?

I tell ya, the worst thing wars cause our country is not the deaths or big debts we are leavin' for our children. It's the children who are growin' up, without a dad, because he's been sent off to war!

Where are the nightly hugs for them kids, when dad comes home from work?
Where is the games of kick ball, out in the yard to let 'em know dad loves'm?

Put them kids in front of a tele-vision, or a game-boy for hours and for play. This is what is happen'n. They'll grow up thinkin' a machine is their daddy!

I love my kids and my gran' kids. I love 'em with all my heart. But if I had it to do over again, I think I might listen to my Hedda.

Hedda's hoppin' mad! She stomps her foot an' says, in fury,"I'm not donatin' any more of my flesh and bone to a war machine. . .not ever again!"

This is Charlie, up on Hooker Mountain.

God Bless ya, an' all your little ones!

This is an Editorial

Copyright in 2009
Hooker Mountain, published on: http://www.HookerMountain.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted in the year 2009

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For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.angelsandgod.com/

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