1 New Article - July 27, 2009


Hey! This is Charlie up on Hooker Mountain.

I been seein' those politicians again on the telie-vision. Them politicians are somethin' else!

"Let's take care of our own! Don't let them die!" they say. "Oh, and by the way, we have to be sure that ever' one is well. We can't just let them suffer."

I look at these men and women up on Capital Hill, and I go crazy in my head!

What makes them think that we are all so near dead that they have to save us'n and ours? Sure there are a lot of sick folks out there. And they need our help. But I know a lot of people around here that got sick in the hospitals and with the doctors pushin' pills when they went for help. And, they ain't never got over it!

Pushed them full of pills from the farmasecudial folks. And fed them hospital cafeteria food instead of good mountain vegetables, they did.

What about the virus that those hospitals have got? Jumps on them patients and they ain't goin' away!

I want them to look at helpin' us out with a medical program. But I also want them to take a good look at what is makin'' a lot of us sick in the first place!

I read in the newspapers a lot. And, it says, that we are bein' forced to eat food that is radiated. And food that is genetic! For God's sake! What do the scientists know better than God? God made the food.

We eat God's food and we get healthy. We eat man's food. . .all that sugar, starch, fat and chemicals put in our food, now we get fat, sick and ugly!

Seems to me that goin' to the source of the problems of being unhealthy is a good thing to do. Spend some of the money there! Not, just givin' us the money to try to get well with a doctor or hospital!

That's like tryin' to get the cat out of the house after he has already done his "business" in the middle of the bed instead of in the cat box! The deed is already done. And, what has to be done is to clean up the mess and stop the cat! Not just say, "bad kitty!"

Don't seem no good to me to try to make the cat clean up the mess to help him stay out of trouble. The trouble is he needs an open door or window to do what cats naturally do!

What does this all mean? It means that if you allow nature to be what it is when God made it, things just naturally work better and figure themselves out. The closer we get to God's nature, the better we will all be in the long run!

I am thinkin' that to make us all sick from poor food, pesticides, genetics, and fertilizers full of chemicals then to set up a medical payment to help us get well seems like a merry-go-round that we can never get off.

Take us'n to the hospital. Then they sends us home to eat the same trash and take a gullet full of pills until we can go back again. This is a good way to keep the doctors and the hospitals busy! And, us taxpayers broke and sick.

Why not pay us to stay well! Why not give us good clean food and herbs for medicine like God meant it to be?

I don't know about all of this stuff in Washington, but I am suspicious of it: "Lets pay the doctors and hospitals for these poor folks" so they don't die, without a smidgin' of prevention bein' tossed into the bargain.

My grandpa lived to a healthy 93 years and he never had to go to the doctor. . .not after he was born on the farm. His mother and my mother were very careful about what they fed us kids.

They made sure all the kids had plenty of good food, good sleep and Love! Made a big difference in all of our lives. The last time I was to a doctor was to have a hang nail removed from my big toe because I set a post-hole digger on my foot instead of in the hole!

Comes in right nice to have a doctor then. But to have us constantly sick and runnin' to the doctor, I think, is just bein' plain unhealthy from too many chemicals and too little good food and drink, and of course, happiness.

Why not give us some attention on good health as well as money for doctor'n?

This is Charlie,
up on Hooker Mountain.

Have a good day! And remember, good, healthy, food and drink into the stomach, is gold to the body and the heart!

An Editorial


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