1 New Article - February 26, 2010


Hey, ya'll! This is Charlie up on Hooker Mountain.

It's a good day! Hope ya'll is happy and full of vinegar!

I know it's been a while since we have talked. But it seems to me, that the same things are goin' on with them bureaucrats up in Washington, as was when we last set down together.

I've been watchin', just like before, an' I don't see nothin' different from when we last talked. Like those guys in the Senate, what's to know that is different? Nothin' that's what!

With all of 'em, they just sit and talk an' wait for someone to say somethin' about them not doin' any thing! I'm not hot behind the ears..I 'm just disappointed.

I look at all of them an' I wonder how such educated men and women can come to some of the understandin' they make. Like the medical benefits for our country.

What does it take to see the suffering of our people when they are sick? Little boys an' girls who can't even walk. An' no way to see a doctor because they can't pay! What's in their minds? Where is their humanness?

If'n it was their child or grandchild without medical care, now what would them senators do?

We are the wealthiest nation in the world, or once was so. An' we just sit and allow people to die because we are so tight on the budget they say. We go to war and spend more in a day than it would take to put all of our sick children in a hospital to take care of 'em. I swear by God! How can we justly do this? War instead of our babies? War instead ofour wives and Loved ones?

I know we in this country would vote to take care of our sick before we would go to places unknown and war! It just don't make sense. Where are our elected representives, we have voted for them, to take care of these things?

I once knew a man who lived up the road. He was meaner than a snake. He beat his wife and the dog, an' anything he could get near to him. He would hoop and yell, and let everyone know he was mad the world. I called the sheriff more than once. The sherriff made him stop his yellin' and swingin' the broom at everything in his way!

He spent more than one night in the jail house 'cause of his mean disposition! But one day one of his little ones came down with the whoopin' cough, and he sold his tractor, just like that, to get the money to put his baby in the hospital. The baby survived. But that neighbor ain't never goin' to be able to buy another tractor. So, he hoes his fields, an' his neighbors help him. They help him out just like neighbors do. They respect him because he has a baby and not a tractor now! An' I don't ever hear him complainin' about havin' his baby and not a tractor.

We citizens just keep makin' ends meet to care for our children, grandbabies, an' our wives. We work from sun up to sun down, doin' whatever we have to, to make it! It is not that we are lazy or slow witted.

When the crop prices go down, or a worms hit the crops, we have to squeeze. There are a lot of us who just duck our heads and keep on movin'.

Corporate America has insurance to help them out with their families. But we here in the worker's population don't have, or can't afford the same benefits for our families. We pay taxes. We support this country. So why don't we get the same benefits as ever' one else? Why do we have to sell our tractors, to save our babies?

I don't understand all of this very well. But one thing I do understand is that when we have a family member in sickness, we don't let them die! We would sell the farm itself if we have to, to keep them alive!

Ever' year there are some of us who can no longer farm because we have had to make this choice. Our babies and wives come before the farm! An' when we have made this choice, we have no work! Farms that have been in our families for generations no longer belong to us. An' we ae trampin' the streets lookin' for any job we can get just to feed our family.

Where is the Love, like our's, in our "duly elected representatives? Why don't we all have health insurance or healthcare? Why can't the richest nation in the world see that this is an issue of Love?

If medical insurance exists, and it does, why aren't all of us participatin', or none of us! It is very loving to say "all of us or none of us."

This is a equal opportunity country. Where is the equal opportunity for all in havin' good health?

This, straight out, is a Love issue we are lookin' at, and I don't like seeing our "duly elected representatives" lookin' down their noses at us and sayin' we are lazy, or we don't care enough to get insurance for our families.

Sometimes on the farm it's is a matter of buyin' food for our little ones, or insurance for their health. If'n we don't buy food for our families, no sense in havin' health insurance!

This is Charlie, up on Hooker Mountain!

An Editorial

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great article!!