1 New Article - February 26, 2010


Hey, ya'll! This is Charlie up on Hooker Mountain.

It's a good day! Hope ya'll is happy and full of vinegar!

I know it's been a while since we have talked. But it seems to me, that the same things are goin' on with them bureaucrats up in Washington, as was when we last set down together.

I've been watchin', just like before, an' I don't see nothin' different from when we last talked. Like those guys in the Senate, what's to know that is different? Nothin' that's what!

With all of 'em, they just sit and talk an' wait for someone to say somethin' about them not doin' any thing! I'm not hot behind the ears..I 'm just disappointed.

I look at all of them an' I wonder how such educated men and women can come to some of the understandin' they make. Like the medical benefits for our country.

What does it take to see the suffering of our people when they are sick? Little boys an' girls who can't even walk. An' no way to see a doctor because they can't pay! What's in their minds? Where is their humanness?

If'n it was their child or grandchild without medical care, now what would them senators do?

We are the wealthiest nation in the world, or once was so. An' we just sit and allow people to die because we are so tight on the budget they say. We go to war and spend more in a day than it would take to put all of our sick children in a hospital to take care of 'em. I swear by God! How can we justly do this? War instead of our babies? War instead ofour wives and Loved ones?

I know we in this country would vote to take care of our sick before we would go to places unknown and war! It just don't make sense. Where are our elected representives, we have voted for them, to take care of these things?

I once knew a man who lived up the road. He was meaner than a snake. He beat his wife and the dog, an' anything he could get near to him. He would hoop and yell, and let everyone know he was mad the world. I called the sheriff more than once. The sherriff made him stop his yellin' and swingin' the broom at everything in his way!

He spent more than one night in the jail house 'cause of his mean disposition! But one day one of his little ones came down with the whoopin' cough, and he sold his tractor, just like that, to get the money to put his baby in the hospital. The baby survived. But that neighbor ain't never goin' to be able to buy another tractor. So, he hoes his fields, an' his neighbors help him. They help him out just like neighbors do. They respect him because he has a baby and not a tractor now! An' I don't ever hear him complainin' about havin' his baby and not a tractor.

We citizens just keep makin' ends meet to care for our children, grandbabies, an' our wives. We work from sun up to sun down, doin' whatever we have to, to make it! It is not that we are lazy or slow witted.

When the crop prices go down, or a worms hit the crops, we have to squeeze. There are a lot of us who just duck our heads and keep on movin'.

Corporate America has insurance to help them out with their families. But we here in the worker's population don't have, or can't afford the same benefits for our families. We pay taxes. We support this country. So why don't we get the same benefits as ever' one else? Why do we have to sell our tractors, to save our babies?

I don't understand all of this very well. But one thing I do understand is that when we have a family member in sickness, we don't let them die! We would sell the farm itself if we have to, to keep them alive!

Ever' year there are some of us who can no longer farm because we have had to make this choice. Our babies and wives come before the farm! An' when we have made this choice, we have no work! Farms that have been in our families for generations no longer belong to us. An' we ae trampin' the streets lookin' for any job we can get just to feed our family.

Where is the Love, like our's, in our "duly elected representatives? Why don't we all have health insurance or healthcare? Why can't the richest nation in the world see that this is an issue of Love?

If medical insurance exists, and it does, why aren't all of us participatin', or none of us! It is very loving to say "all of us or none of us."

This is a equal opportunity country. Where is the equal opportunity for all in havin' good health?

This, straight out, is a Love issue we are lookin' at, and I don't like seeing our "duly elected representatives" lookin' down their noses at us and sayin' we are lazy, or we don't care enough to get insurance for our families.

Sometimes on the farm it's is a matter of buyin' food for our little ones, or insurance for their health. If'n we don't buy food for our families, no sense in havin' health insurance!

This is Charlie, up on Hooker Mountain!

An Editorial

Hooker Mountain, published on:http://www.HookerMountain.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2010. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

Permission is given to share this material, but this permission may be withdrawn at any time without reason. Infringement of rights under copyright law are not permitted.

For more information about Rene, go to:

1 New Article - July 27, 2009


Hey! This is Charlie up on Hooker Mountain.

I been seein' those politicians again on the telie-vision. Them politicians are somethin' else!

"Let's take care of our own! Don't let them die!" they say. "Oh, and by the way, we have to be sure that ever' one is well. We can't just let them suffer."

I look at these men and women up on Capital Hill, and I go crazy in my head!

What makes them think that we are all so near dead that they have to save us'n and ours? Sure there are a lot of sick folks out there. And they need our help. But I know a lot of people around here that got sick in the hospitals and with the doctors pushin' pills when they went for help. And, they ain't never got over it!

Pushed them full of pills from the farmasecudial folks. And fed them hospital cafeteria food instead of good mountain vegetables, they did.

What about the virus that those hospitals have got? Jumps on them patients and they ain't goin' away!

I want them to look at helpin' us out with a medical program. But I also want them to take a good look at what is makin'' a lot of us sick in the first place!

I read in the newspapers a lot. And, it says, that we are bein' forced to eat food that is radiated. And food that is genetic! For God's sake! What do the scientists know better than God? God made the food.

We eat God's food and we get healthy. We eat man's food. . .all that sugar, starch, fat and chemicals put in our food, now we get fat, sick and ugly!

Seems to me that goin' to the source of the problems of being unhealthy is a good thing to do. Spend some of the money there! Not, just givin' us the money to try to get well with a doctor or hospital!

That's like tryin' to get the cat out of the house after he has already done his "business" in the middle of the bed instead of in the cat box! The deed is already done. And, what has to be done is to clean up the mess and stop the cat! Not just say, "bad kitty!"

Don't seem no good to me to try to make the cat clean up the mess to help him stay out of trouble. The trouble is he needs an open door or window to do what cats naturally do!

What does this all mean? It means that if you allow nature to be what it is when God made it, things just naturally work better and figure themselves out. The closer we get to God's nature, the better we will all be in the long run!

I am thinkin' that to make us all sick from poor food, pesticides, genetics, and fertilizers full of chemicals then to set up a medical payment to help us get well seems like a merry-go-round that we can never get off.

Take us'n to the hospital. Then they sends us home to eat the same trash and take a gullet full of pills until we can go back again. This is a good way to keep the doctors and the hospitals busy! And, us taxpayers broke and sick.

Why not pay us to stay well! Why not give us good clean food and herbs for medicine like God meant it to be?

I don't know about all of this stuff in Washington, but I am suspicious of it: "Lets pay the doctors and hospitals for these poor folks" so they don't die, without a smidgin' of prevention bein' tossed into the bargain.

My grandpa lived to a healthy 93 years and he never had to go to the doctor. . .not after he was born on the farm. His mother and my mother were very careful about what they fed us kids.

They made sure all the kids had plenty of good food, good sleep and Love! Made a big difference in all of our lives. The last time I was to a doctor was to have a hang nail removed from my big toe because I set a post-hole digger on my foot instead of in the hole!

Comes in right nice to have a doctor then. But to have us constantly sick and runnin' to the doctor, I think, is just bein' plain unhealthy from too many chemicals and too little good food and drink, and of course, happiness.

Why not give us some attention on good health as well as money for doctor'n?

This is Charlie,
up on Hooker Mountain.

Have a good day! And remember, good, healthy, food and drink into the stomach, is gold to the body and the heart!

An Editorial


Hooker Mountain, published on:http://www.HookerMountain.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2009. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

Permission is given to share this material, but this permission may be withdrawn at any time without reason. Infringement of rights under copyright law are not permitted.

For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com/

1 New Article - July 5, 2009


Hey there, this is Charlie up on Hooker Mountain!

What have ya' all been doin'?

Me and my wife Hedda been hangin' out on the mountain, watchin' the year go by.

My misses thinks I ought to be happy that the election is over. An' President Obama is takin' charge by runnin' all over the world an' tellin' ever one that we are "good guys over here."

I done told Hedda that us sayin' we are the "good guys" isn't goin' to convince any body when we is still takin' bombs and guns to war. Seems to me, when we bring all our boys home an' begin producin' food instead of bullets, the world is goin' to believe us is good guys!

I think about the times we been to war, and my heart sinks. I think if I told you how many wars I have lived through, your heart would sink clear to your socks!

Ain't tellin' you how old I am. But, I got to tell you that "I remember more wars from my age, than most people have years." Especially, if'n you're less than 30 years old this year.

My Uncle used to say that, "if'n we'd pay more attention to 'bein' on time, than bein' right,' " we'd have a lot less of them wars. At this time in my life, I begin to agree with'em.

Time was wars came and went with a truthful thought about why we'd go to war. Our government would discuss it all, an' the radio would report it to us. Now wars just kinda sneek up on us! One here and another there.
I can't even remember their names any more. Not one, or two, or three wars, but somethin' new in the news all of the time.

My Hedda says that she is never goin' to have any little ones again to send to war. Just too many wars and not enough kids. So she's on strike! Hedda believes that women need to stand up and say, "No more cannon fodder from my household!" She ain't give'em politicians no more soldiers to send to some God-forsaken place.

Can't even count on havin' family 'round the Christmas tree any more! Someone in the family's always trampin' around in the sand, playin' tough an' duckin' bullets.

Bring my boys home! Let 'em have some rest. Keep the families together. Some of my youngin's haven't seen their dads for over a year. Now, what kind of citizen are my youngin's goin' to be like without their dads at home to help them grow up?

I tell ya, the worst thing wars cause our country is not the deaths or big debts we are leavin' for our children. It's the children who are growin' up, without a dad, because he's been sent off to war!

Where are the nightly hugs for them kids, when dad comes home from work?
Where is the games of kick ball, out in the yard to let 'em know dad loves'm?

Put them kids in front of a tele-vision, or a game-boy for hours and for play. This is what is happen'n. They'll grow up thinkin' a machine is their daddy!

I love my kids and my gran' kids. I love 'em with all my heart. But if I had it to do over again, I think I might listen to my Hedda.

Hedda's hoppin' mad! She stomps her foot an' says, in fury,"I'm not donatin' any more of my flesh and bone to a war machine. . .not ever again!"

This is Charlie, up on Hooker Mountain.

God Bless ya, an' all your little ones!

This is an Editorial

Copyright in 2009
Hooker Mountain, published on: http://www.HookerMountain.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted in the year 2009

All Rights are reserved. Sharing of this information is given permission, providing, rights of the copyright are not infringed upon. This permission may be withdrawn, at anytime, without without reason or notice.

For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.angelsandgod.com/

1 New Article - May 28, 2009


Hello, this is Charlie, up on Hooker Mountain!

Did ya see the halabaloo about the new Court Justice? I been watchin' all about President Obama and his choice for this nomination.

A woman for the place. Seems to me we need more women sittin' there makin' noise about justice. Just take a look. Ever woman who runs a household and family is probably more capable than any man to sit on that bench!

Take a look! Any one day she has to make justice in her home. What with the kids, the husband, the milkman, the mailman. . .always something to take care of and she does it!

Sittin' on a bench, poundin' a gavel and makin' judicial decisions is a lot easier than lookin' for justice among a bunch of kids!

I'll tell you this. My Hedda is no shrinkin' violet when it comes to family fights among the kids in the family. Not even now, when they are all grown and with kids of their own. She is always in the middle of family differences, and you never see them goin' to war. We have a peaceful family and all of the kids and grandkids feel the justice and Love from her "tongue-lashin'" justice.

Now don't get me wrong. These kids don't always take her justice well. They cark and groan. But, they accepted a long time ago that she is very wise, and they listen. I don't think it is because she is their mom but they know she takes all things into account and she comes up with a vision of what is really happenin' and makes it clear what kind of justice is demanded.

I have never seen my kids and grandkids "take a swipe at her" sayin' she is not fair.

I think that we can all stand in the truth here. WE NEED A WOMAN LIKE MY HEDDA TO SIT IN THE SEAT OF NATIONAL JUSTICE. We need someone who is wise in family, with children, with adults, and YUP!, with dogs and cats!

Why critters? They just know things. Things we can't understand. And a woman understands them like they do kids and adults and what is really happenin' inside. I guess you call it intuition! Yup! They have this little thing inside that just knows, and why they know, I can't tell you, but I am amazed how my Hedda "knows things"! And by golly, she is always right! She will say, "You know what Charlie? I got a feelin'". An, when she says this, I shut up and listen. There is just somthin' inside of her that knows stuff.

I see our women as havin' somethin' special and I want this sittin' behind a gavil, on the bench in our Supreme Court. There are just too many of us "old buggers" that are tired and worn out. We don't have that "special somthin'" like our women that just knows with their heart.

Not that I think we should look at us men as not capable. But when there aren't enough women around we can get "old and stuck"! Give us a woman in the mix and not only do we pay better attention, but they keep us sharp! We just have to prove to them we understand too, and we move! We can't let them out run us. . .our pride is in the way! For after all, the Good Lord has made us the protectors of our families and to give this up for "old age", is just not smart. We got to keep up!

Give me some women on that bench, I say! Give us some honest "woman's intuition and specialness", Yess siree! And I'll bet you something right now! There's not going to be anything comin' out of that court that we will not be able to understand when it's done. Women who can communicate with children and avoidin' World War II, in the household, can certainly explain to us in the street, as well as her fellow judges, what is really happenin'!

This is what I think! GIVE US SOME WOMEN ON THAT COURT. Yes siree!

My Hedda just stuck her head around the corner from the kitchen and said to me, "Don't forget Charlie, to tell everyone to keep on prayin'. She is a big one on prayin". She also said to tell you that she knows that you all are headin' up the thought that we are goin' to win this here situation about the economy!She says she is a prayin' and she knows, intuition, that ever' thing is goin' to be all right!

JUST KEEP ON PRAYIN'! Hedda says. This is Ole' Charlie up on Hooker Mountain
An Editorial

Hooker Mountain, published on:
http://www.HookerMountain.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2009.
All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION, must bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

For more information about Rene, go to:

1 New Article, April 23, 2009

Hey there, this is Charlie up on Hooker Mountain.

I've been on a littl' vacation. It does good for the soul. An' my soul needed some rehabilitation after that election turn out. That was some spectacle, yes siree!

Have you ever seen such a hulabaloo? I almost couldn't believe my eyes at the vote turnout. All them voters, with shiny faces and big smiles, fairly made my heart sing. And if you think I'm goin' to ever forget that day, well it just ain't so.

Take a good look at what we have done since that hair-raisin' event.

There has been a lot of jargon' and talkin' in them first 100 days at the Whitehouse. But the most important thing I see is that we are "talkin'."

There was times in the past few years when it was so quiet out here where we are, that I thought you guys, an' me, had gone fishin' for about a hundred years. I cain't blame you, but now we are back on tract 'n every body is talkin' at the same time, let's keep it up!

I like the sound of words flyin' around my head. Especially, when it is because we care enough, and feel safe enough, to share our minds and speak up! I like it when you and I can talk about anythin' we want to an' don't have to worry about some "skin-head politician" splitin' our heads with a bat because he doesn't like the color of our eyes!

Halleluja! We are back on track, pushin' and a cursin' when we don't like somethin' very much. This is the America I Love and know.

If'in we keep talkin', just maybe we can get somewhere now. All of us need to stay awake and yell like all-bloody-hell if'n we see somethin' we don't like!

It is like yesterday. I met up with my friend Mike, downtown. He was a limp'n around on his foot and carryin' a cane. He said he had run into a rattler, up on the mountain, and stepped on it. That rattler was sittin' there, "clear as the day," after he took a big bite out of Mike.

I ask'd him what did he do?

He said he was hikin' alone, nothin' to do but to yell like "all-bloody-hell" for someone to help him out a little.

Soon there was a litt'le old man come runnin' up the hill, panten', his chest pumpin' so hard Mike could see it through his over-alls. He came to see what was goin' on in the bush. My friend yelled, "don't just stand there, do somethin'!

The litt'le old man looked at my friend, who is a big straplin' fellow, and said, "snake bite or not, you are goin' to have to carry me back down that hill. I got a heart condition!"

My friend says that if the man hadn't made him quit feelin' sorry for hisself, he might have died from the snake bite up on that mount'in. Ticked my friend off so much, since the rescuer became the emergency! And if'n either of them was goin' to get themselves down the mountain alive, my friend Mike was it.

Well Mike picks up the litt'e old man and heads down the mountain. The man whimpered and groaned like he was a dead man goin' to his grave.

As soon as Mike got to the bottom of the hill, the man slid to his feet, dusted off his britches, and walked away. Mike just shook his head in dismay! He couldn't believe that he had become a pack horse, an' him the injured one.

Mike didn't like this turn of events at all, and he started swarin' and hoppin' up and down, for the fool he was!

I grinned and said, "looks like you got what you wanted, 'Down the hill
and alive'!"

"Yup," he said, "I did, but I'll tell ya this, next time I am goin' to carry the snake down the hill, not the old man. A lot easier on me and I will still live! If I hang on to the snake tight like, he can only bite me once! The old man just kept on bittin' me with that rasty old tongue of his, and his yellin' like a banshee!"

The moral of this story is: "that if you want to be bittin', just keep complainin! And, stand in one place."

I got it that that is what happened to us the last eight years. We did too much complainin' and not enough "movin''. Hard to see the good things we can do when we are the "beast of burden"!

This is Charlie speakin'. I think we are all tired of being the "beast of burden" and want to be ready to stand up to "little ol' men" who make us the beasts of burden! And it is good for us to remember not to support "litt'le old men who want to be carried!"

We is standin' up now! All we have to do is stay away from snakes!

This is Charlie, up on Hooker Mountain!

Hooker Mountain, published on:
http://www.HookerMountain.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2009. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION, must
bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com

Hooker Mountain - Thursday, August 21, 2008 (http://www.HookerMountain.blogspot.com/)

Did you see them Olympics? Rover-Boy and I did, and my Missus too. There was so much jumpin', runnin' and swimmin' I got dizzy!

I can't figure out why those who are runnin' the whole shebang are so uptight. They are always tryin' to look good and I see that those kids and such, come lookin' for a good time with one another and to do their best! I want to tell the adults, "Leave them kids alone! Let them play!" I don't think anyone is listen'n to me, but I got my word in just the same. My Missus told me to stop shoutin', if I didn't stop the yellin' the neighbors would think she was beatin' me up.

My Missus is so full of love she would never do any beatin' on me, or Rover-Boy, but the nosy neighbors don't know that. They just moved into the house down the hill from me two weeks ago. I like them well enough, but they don't seem friendly like, so I don't want rumors, in town, about me and my Missus.

Anyway, about them Olympic games, I think those kids need to be left alone to do their thing. I can't see why all of those countries are so uptight about what the kids are doin'. Seems to me that the countries need to stand aside and let the kids work it out together.

Do you think that there could be fun in those games, with someone with a Presidential Crest hangin' on his chest, leanin' over the rail yellin', "Go man go, kill 'em! Run!" Or, how about a face, lined with determination that, "My country will win no matter what and you had better run for your life, buddy!"

I love the sports and the kids tryin' their hearts out. I really do. But when I see these faces of government, lurkin' around the place, I get really mad. I want to see all of us be able to enjoy the efforts of our young'ns. I want to sit with my Missus and my dog, on my front porch in front of my tellie-vision, and hoop and holler to the top of my voice because we are all havin' such fun.

I think I will go down to the new neighbor's house and ask them to come up and join us on our porch. Maybe I will even make some popcorn and pass it around. I like to be a good neighbor, might as well start out with my new neighbor. And who knows, maybe those kids at the Olympics will start something new.

I saw a Chinese boy who won a Gold Medal, hug one of our boys who had won a Silver Medal. Now, boys huggin' in the past would have been looked at funny like. But, not now in these times. Those boys were huggin', and laughin', and congratulatin' one another! Then there were a lot of those athletes bunched up huggin' and poundin' one another's backs and all of them laughin'. Didn't seem to be any differences in any of them. They were just one big group of happiness. Those suspicious faces starin' at them just didn't seem to matter at all!

Maybe our kids are the wise ones and they make our tomorrows. I am so glad they are young and those with the lined faces, lurkin' behind the scenes, are old!

"Come on kids. . .keep it up!"

This is Ole' Charlie, up on Hooker Mountain!

An Editorial

Hooker Mountain, published on:
http://www.HookerMountain.blogspot.com/ is Copyrighted, in the year 2008. All Rights are reserved. ALL SHARING OF THIS INFORMATION, must
bear this copyright notice, or permission to share is terminated.

For more information about Rene, go to: http://www.AngelsandGod.com.

Hooker Mountain - Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hey! This is Charlie up on Hooker Mountain,

How are you doin' today? I am lookin' at the tellie-vision, and shakin' my head at all of the stuff going on in the Presidential election. Seems to me that I am more and more confused!

What does it have to do with runnin' the country, when the candidates are spewin' stuff all over the world about who will be the best President? Not because they think it is important, what they are sayin', but because they just have to say somethin'!

Obama is a man who says a lot, but I wonder what he means when his message is always about "This Great Country". I agree with him, this is a great country! Ain't no surprise to me. I been livin' in this country a long time. But, to keep sayin' it over and over, ouch! I want to hear how he is goin' to run the country! And, that McCain feller, he says one thing, then the next minute, he says another, that doesn't make sense if the first sentence is the truth!

It feels like, to me, they need to stop sellin' and just get down to the truth of what they represent to this country.

Personally, I think they are scared of somethin'. Fear is a funny thing. When it comes 'round and hits us in the gut, we don't always make sense. We just begin runnin', and whatever gets in the way, we just keep goin'! Don't even think, we just keep movin' on. I got it figured that they is runnin' from somethin' and need to slow down a pace or two.

I think about that old black cat that lives out on my back porch. He came wanderin' off the mountain, behind my house and settled in on the back porch. When it would come night, he set up such a yowl that was so loud that my wife Hedda and me couldn't sleep. Old Rover-Boy, my dog, would finally join in. I would end up shoutin' at them at the top of my voice to stop the noise. By that time my heart would be poundin', and Hedda would be sittin' up in bed with her eyes glazed, and a finger in each ear.

This went on for about a week and Hedda told me to get rid of the cat. Plain and simple, me or the cat! That puts a man's body in quite a shock, when it is 3 a.m. in the mornin'. Losin' my warm bed in the night is not my plan!

So, I went to the back door lookin' for the cat. He had hunkered down behind the wood box. He was starin' up the mountain into the dark. His one good eye was lookin' up the mountain for anything that might move. He sat there swooshin' his tail and growlin'. I swear, I couldn't see nothin' out there in the dark. About that time, Old Rover-Boy came around the corner from the front of the house. I figure he was lookin' for me and feelin' for me to save him from the cat.

The cat took one look at Rover-Boy, with his one good eye and fear on his face. He jumped on Rover-Boy's back, with all claws out and ridin' high. Let me tell you, you ain't never seen anythin' like a dog bein' ridden by a one eyed cat who has fear in his eye. Rover-Boy did ever' thing he could to get that cat off his back. Rover-Boy howled to the top of his voice, jumped up and down and side ways like a buckin' bronco. The cat was yowlin' louder than ever.

I was tryin' to get hold of one of them critters to stop the ruckus, an there weren't no way. As soon as I had hold of one, the other would side step. All of a sudden, the back door flew open, and there stood Hedda with blood in her eyes and a broom in her hand!

She began swingin' that broom on all three of us. That wild cat's one eye was full of fear. He dug into Rover-Boy even more. I was tryin' to get out of the way, stumbled over the wood box and into Hedda’s "full arm swing" with that broom. I went down, rolled off the porch yellin', as I hit the ground. The dog and cat landed on top of me. Satisfied, Hedda threw the broom on top of us, shook her finger in the air, slammed the back door and locked it! Ever' thing got real quiet.

It was cold on that porch in the middle of the night. The cat made a couple of circles and made a bed on my chest. The dog got around on the other side of me and did the same. I rolled a little more under the porch and they followed me. I guess we were buddies for the night.

The curious thing is that the cat sleeps on the back porch, he ain't afraid any more of the dark up the mountain. Rover-Boy claims the front porch, and no kinda noise in the night, gets him off the porch until dawn. Hedda finally let me back in the house with a cup of coffee and a warnin' about my critters.

For the past two months, when it gets dark, everthin' is quiet. Except, that is, for my snorin'. That scroungey cat with the one eye and missin' fur, don't make a sound. Hedda sleeps with a smile on her face and a broom under the bed.

My thought for tellin’ this story of me and my critters is that, "when a woman takes over the house, things is goin' to happen! She can only tolerate so much when her "beauty sleep" is disturbed." My thought is that, "maybe after all, we need a woman in the White House, who carries a broom!"

This here's Charlie, up on Hooker Mountain.

An Editorial

Hooker Mountain. This Information is Copyrighted 2008. All Rights Reserved.
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